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Get a life

This is bizarre on multiple levels ... but, even as someone who generally believes that we have far too many laws and regulations on the books, nothing I can think to say about this - "nomologically" - satisfies me.

A "victimless crime"? A crime with a victim in an attenuated sense? A practice so repellant that it's almost an act of mercy for the state to protect the perpetrator from himself?

September 13, 2004 | Permalink


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The "ick" factor rears its ugly head.

It's not a victimless crime - the family of the deceased will certainly be traumatized by having their loved one's body abused by those to whom it has been entrusted. But the felony status and eight year sentence seem more motivated by the "ick" factor than by protecting their sensitivities.

Posted by: Aaron at Sep 14, 2004 10:08:21 AM

Get a death, I say.

Look, the only way to solve this issue is to have a donor card system. You can contribute to this ghoulish fetish and its needy progenitors if you sign an agreement saying "I allow my body to be used after my death for the sexual gratification of those nutballs, provided it is restored to the casket in good preserve and no parts are removed or damaged."

At any rate, I can't see how a law banning intercourse with stiffs is to Arnie's advantage.

Posted by: lenin at Sep 15, 2004 11:17:12 AM


I think your notion argues for my second possibility - "attenuated" victimhood. The paradigmatic victim suffers as the direct object of the perpetrator's intention and action.


Are you suggesting that Arnie wouldn't back a law unless it was to his (narrow) advantage?

Posted by: Paul Craddick at Sep 15, 2004 10:04:45 PM

I was in rambunctious mode there, Paul. I was actually suggesting that it might be to Arnie's decided disadvantage. *cough* Ahem! *nudge* Word-play on stiff...

Ah, forget it.

Posted by: lenin at Sep 16, 2004 7:39:25 AM

Now I get it! Sorry, slow on the uptake there ... Rambunctiousness is welcome.

Posted by: Paul Craddick at Sep 16, 2004 9:34:49 AM

I didn't know this was a big problem in California... uh, what am I saying? It's California!

Posted by: roger at Sep 17, 2004 5:09:53 PM

hello fragmenta,
did you know that you are a googlewhack?

Take care,
Richard Coughlan

Posted by: richard at Dec 4, 2004 3:21:55 PM