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Cue to Calumny

I should think that soon we'll be hearing from that adroit social commentator, Professor Richard Dawkins (affectionately known around here as The Blind Calumniator), as to the 'palpably idiotic' verdict delivered by the American electorate. Hey, it's merely a moment in the phylogeny underlying the American Body Politic, right? Or is it an atavism?!

No matter who won, the winner's sympathizers could feel a bit of schadenfreude vis-a-vis some disappointed (and disliked) party on the other side. Out of the the cornucopia of usual suspects, my delectation alights on the good Professor.

November 4, 2004 | Permalink


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Damn, I wanted to be the blind calumniator!
Can I be Invector maximus, then?

Posted by: Roger at Nov 5, 2004 11:59:20 AM

... or at least get to wear a wrestling bad guy's mask?

Posted by: roger at Nov 5, 2004 3:35:04 PM


How about the "Grand Vituperator"?

"Furiosus Giganticus"?

"Leftus Malignus"?

"Libidunus Leftus"?!

You may wear the wrestler's mask, so long as your livery is rounded out with an early twentieth-century male's swimming suit (a candy cane one-piece number)!

Posted by: Paul Craddick at Nov 6, 2004 8:37:36 AM