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Feeling Blue

I know that the election is old hat at this point, but I still continue to marvel at the electoral "blueness" of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Check out the percentiles for three representative counties - Contra Costa (in which I reside), Alameda, and Marin.

There's been a lot of talk - and more than a little condescension - about the apparent anomaly of non-wealthy Red-State-ers voting against "their interests" (sc., pecuniary interests) by casting their
lot with the Republicans. Prescinding from the variety of interests which animate people, I wonder why it's not similarly anomalous that wealthy counties like Contra Costa allegedly vote against their (economic) interests - viz., in favor of higher taxation - when casting a vote for the Dems(?)

Wherever one's true interests lie, I suspect that this peculiar line of attack against the Red State Voters is more than a bit patronizing. (And check out how pink-red CA is, outside of the Bay Area)

November 9, 2004 | Permalink


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Sure - it is patronizing. But the question is raised, "If they're not voting in their own self-interest, what is inspiring their vote?" In the case of a wealthy 'blue' voter (a blueblood?) the answer often comes in notions of "giving back to society", egalitarianism, making the world a better place, etc. What's the comparable interest for the working poor who vote 'red', despite a pretty consistent record of economic decline for the working poor under Republican administrations?

Posted by: Aaron at Nov 12, 2004 10:53:54 AM

Well, since (as I said in the post) people are animated by various (and perhaps mutually incompatible) interests, the possible answers are as varied as the possible interests.
Whether you or I found any to be particularly plausible or compelling is another matter.

Posted by: Paul Craddick at Nov 12, 2004 10:51:09 PM