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Promised Land


- as in, a gap or interruption. That's what this blog, and I, shall be going on.

Here's a hint. Here's another. And why not this, while we're at it?!

Thanks to all - especially the crazies that suffer through this site on a regular basis.

I'll be back at in in a couple of weeks.

November 15, 2004 | Permalink


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Paul, have fun on your trip! I just got back from vacation in Albany, and flew into a very damp and flooded Texas landscape. Hope the weather holds good in the canyons. My advice for reading matter: Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian. It is very wild to read that kind of thing in the stone solitude of those canyons.

Posted by: roger at Nov 17, 2004 9:58:56 AM

It's a vacation? Here I was, thinking that the inescapable message was that he was off to join the choir! (How is your singing voice, Paul? ;-)

Posted by: Aaron at Nov 18, 2004 9:59:31 AM