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Doggy Style (stylus caninus)

... in Japan, that is.

According to this article from the BBC:

'Veronique is just one of a string of establishments catering for a boom in Japanese dog owners.

'But its success seems as much due to a rejection of marriage as a new-found love for the canine.

'"There are lots of women who have dogs as their family or child," said Rie Shimozono, the shop's owner. "They carry the dog in a bag so that they are always spending time with it."'

(Apologies - I'll have a serious [not Sirius] post up soon)

December 13, 2004 | Permalink


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(That pun had me groaning appreciatively)

I think dog adoption could be considered a positive development. For a while, there was a craze for virtual pets. One claim was they somehow cultivated empathy. I don't see how that's possible.

Posted by: Harry at Dec 14, 2004 7:39:30 PM


I agree that a desire for the companionship of a living, breathing, slobbering hound seems preferable to a yen for some kind of canine facsimile ... but I would guess that the men of Japan are not thrilled that the pooches have been invited into the bedroom, and they've been consigned to ... the (proverbial) doghouse.

Posted by: Paul Craddick at Dec 14, 2004 10:01:10 PM