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I've often had a fantasy of composing a poem, lyric, or just some doggerel involving a bunch of homonyms - which, when heard aloud, would confuse and amuse the audient owing to the similar phonetics.

To that end, I had amassed a sizeable list of candidate terms, but alas it's disappeared. So I'm back to the proverbial square one. It is fun to put little homonymic phrases together, though.

"I won one"

"Behold the arc of the ark"

"Thy shins thou did'st bark on the bark lining the bark"

"Is a tocsin a kind of aural toxin?"

And one which is definitely borderline:

"The perineal is perennial"

December 14, 2004 | Permalink


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Posted by: Ian at Dec 15, 2004 12:28:32 PM

Thanks, Ian - a fine list.

Posted by: Paul Craddick at Dec 15, 2004 2:13:00 PM