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Excuses, Excuses ...

In what is becoming a lamentable pattern, I'm remiss in my blogging "duties" once again.

I've just started a new job as a consultant, so I'm acclimatizing to the usual systemic shock which accompanies a new foray into wage-slavery. Aside from thanking my lucky stars at being gainfully employed again, I'm grateful to have the morning and evening commute time to read, as I grab the monorail into and out of San Francisco. 

On the way there, it's The Doctor and the Soul by Viktor Frankl, an enduring favorite; on the way back home it's Ideas Have Consequences by Richard Weaver - two vastly different volumes which are united in breathing (or perhaps radiating) wisdom. So many thoughts bubbling over about each - and in relation to one another; an interesting essay it would indeed be to give a close reading of both "synoptically," as Mortimer Adler used to say.

But, alas, that'll have to wait - I'm in Regular Expression- and Xml-Hell at the moment.

April 12, 2005 | Permalink


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Hi Paul. I came across this site and thought I'd say hello. I tried sending you an email, but there was some trouble with my connection. I'm forwarding your site address to my father Wayne Harter. I'm sure he would be interested in seeing it. I hope all is well with you.


Posted by: Pauline Porter at Apr 15, 2005 1:43:25 PM


It's good to hear from you - I'm glad you stumbled upon my blog.

It would be great to have either/both you and Wayne as readers/interlocutors, so please pass the word on.

Hope all is well with you too.


Posted by: Paul Craddick at Apr 15, 2005 2:26:51 PM